A “Despedida de Soltera” group from Madrid

This past weekend was the next in the “Despedida” season, with a booking for eleven girls from Madrid who had reserved the house for the weekend. The bride was getting married in July, and they all planned to spend some time together for a leisurely weekend of relaxation and sunshine. They arrived in three cars on Friday night at about 10.30, having encountered heavy traffic after leaving Madrid. However, they soon settled in to their rooms and then set about preparing a meal and listening to music up on the terrace. They were delighted with the facilities of the villa, and were looking forward to seeing the surroundings of the gardens in daylight, but meanwhile were more than happy to talk most of the night away together. Saturday was a beautiful day, and they were happy to spend it in and around the pool, making a start on their summer tans and preparing for the evening ahead. Relaxation was the name of the game for Saturday, so the girls decided to order some home-delivery pizzas, in anticipation of visiting a restaurant for their main meal of the day in the evening, before then going on to Falkata disco. They set…

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First Despedida of the Season!

The weekend of May 4th, 5th & 6th saw the first of the “Despedidas de Soltera” of the season. A group of girls from Banyeres de Mariola – a small inland town in Alicante province – had booked the house for the weekend and were due to arrive on the Friday evening. At about 7.00pm the first of the girls arrived, shortly followed by the rest, making a very full house indeed! The schedule for the first evening was to have a meal together and settle in to their surroundings. They were delighted with the house and its facilities, and had a great time into the small hours of Saturday morning with a party upstairs on the dining terrace. Saturday morning was a fairly quiet time, with the girls gradually appearing around the pool and in the gardens up until lunchtime. They made lunch on the barbecue and enjoyed sitting out in the sunshine, although only a few were brave enough to venture in to the pool for a swim. The weather was good, but the water was still a little on the cool side! After lunch and a time of relaxation, they had organised a bicycle trip in conjunction…

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Family Holidays in Spain

Easter was a very busy time for us all at our casa rural in Gandía, with a completely full house over the Easter weekend itself. Visitors returned from last year, as well as many new ones visiting us for the first time. The weather had been forecast to be damp and cool, but in the end only a little rain fell over the holiday period, and mostly the weather was fine and warm – always good for our guests on their holidays! Tony, Trudy and their children Harvey, Monty and Queenie visited us for just over a week, and chose to stay in our self-catering apartment. Tony and Trudy had visited the area last year with a possible view to purchasing a holiday property and wanted to return this time with their children to give them the opportunity to see the region also. The self-catering apartment was the ideal option for them, and allowed them much more flexibility – they enjoyed the sense of independence and privacy that the apartment allows, but at the same time they joined us for most of their evening meals – and even for some breakfasts too! They wanted the advantages of the apartment, but…

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Motorbike Friendly Accommodation

Motorbike Friendly Accommodation

Motorbike Friendly Accommodation David and Caroline from Devon arrived for a couple of nights with their two children on their motorbikes – they were enjoying a touring holiday around Spain, starting from the Santander ferry, and returning the same way. In fact, we were the furthest point of their trip, having looped around the northern part of the country earlier on in their visit. They decided they wanted a couple of days relaxation before starting back for the ferry home again, as well as the opportunity to take in the sights of Valencia City. The opportunity to have a couple of nights at a Bed and Breakfast where they could be safe in the knowledge that there was safe and secure parking for their bikes was one not to be missed! They decided, however, not to take their bikes into the city when they went to Valencia, but to travel in by train and spare themselves the possible parking problems which two motorbikes can present in an unknown city. They arrived with us on Good Friday and made the most of the pool and gardens when they had settled in, before joining us for dinner in the evening. On Saturday…

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Springtime in Gandía

The middle of March always seems to mark the beginning of the new season and the onset of Spring, with the fiesta of Fallas and early guests in search of some warm sunshine on the Costa Blanca.  This year was no exception, and we were pleased to welcome guests from England as well as from Spain. Mike and Maggie decided to see for themselves what the fiesta of Fallas in Gandía was all about, having been recommended by a friend that it was an event not to be missed.  They also wanted to find some early warmth and sunshine, and they were not disappointed.  The weather was almost consistently bright and clear, and was perfect for the combination of sightseeing, walking and relaxing that they had in mind.  They spent six days with us, and always found plenty to see and do, even if a trip to Valencia city was not on their itinerary – they had already visited there in the past, and wanted to get to know the surrounding area this time instead.  They found Gandía to be a delightful town, and the fiesta of Fallas was taking place there at the time of their visit too, so…

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Mountain Biking, Nature Trails and Valencia Football

On Monday we welcomed a guest from just about as far away as you can get – Australia. Nic was travelling on his own and doing a bit of a tour, visiting his father in the U.S. before embarking on a trip around Europe. He had visited his sister in Edinburgh before going on to see Amsterdam and then Berlin before making his way to Spain. However, he felt that he now wanted a break from busy city sight-seeing and was looking for a spell of getting back to the countryside and nature so decided to visit us here in Gandía. He thought we would be well placed for a tranquil, rural setting but within reasonable reach of Valencia city if he wanted to have a quick day trip. He arrived by train in Gandía, having flown in to Barcelona from Berlin earlier in the day. We were happy to collect him from the station, and he dined in with us on his first evening. When he arrived the previous evening, it was already dark, so the following morning he was very impressed with the surroundings of the villa and felt he had made the right decision in coming here…

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Mountain Biking in the La Safor region

Recently I had the pleasure of working on the websites of a friend of mine who runs a business organising mountain biking expeditions. This made me think even more about how much I wanted to get out and about in the beauty of the countryside where we live, so when Dave offered me the opportunity to come with him on a mountain biking trip, I eagerly agreed. I did a quick count of how many years it had been since being on a bike of any description, didn’t like the answer, so decided it was high time to set matters right! Dave provided me with one of the excellent bikes he hires to his clients, and after getting used to the techniques of managing the mountain bike – I had never been on one before – we set off on our trip from his base in La Drova. We made our way along country tracks to the Barxeta Valley and on to the village of Barxeta itself where we stopped for a coffee in the village square. The weather was great, and the sun was warming up nicely by now, so I was keen to carry on and tackle the…

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Villa Florencia Casa Rural Gandia B&B Spain 2012

Gandia Bed and Breakfast

The season that lies ahead in 2012 will be our sixth full year of operation, and we are looking forward to a year of welcoming back previous guests as well as meeting new ones for the first time.  The New Year period has already been and gone and was a busy time for us, with a full house of guests, many of whom had come for the excellent rock-climbing to be found in the area.  We hope to have more rock-climbers visit us in the future, as this is an activity – along with other outdoor and nature-related interests – that we are actively promoting.  In the cooler months of the year the area is a haven for those looking for an outdoor holiday rather than one based around sunshine and beaches.  Mountain biking, hiking, horse riding, bird watching and hill walking are just some of the other activities that can be enjoyed in the immediate area around the villa, or at most within a 20 minute drive.  Diversification has to be a positive thing, especially in the uncertain economic times that seem to face everyone at present– in whatever European country you find yourself.  In past seasons, we have directed…

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Christmas and New Year – Something for Everyone!

The Christmas and New Year period was a very busy time at the Gandia Casa Rural, with everyone making the most of the versatile accommodation and catering options available to our guests. Not only were all the B & B rooms occupied, but also the self-catering apartment as well, with the guests there sometimes looking after their own mealtime requirements, but sometimes also coming up to the main house to join their friends who were dining there. Gary and Andy from Liverpool were with us for their winter sunshine holidays, the whole time from Christmas Eve through until after the New Year, and dined with us every evening. They would often take day-trips to local places of interest as well as visiting Valencia city, which far exceeded their expectations. Shortly after Christmas we were also joined by a couple from Germany – Axel and Kerstin – who were visiting their daughter who was on a student exchange scheme and studying at the Gandía campus of Valencia University. Most of their time was spent with their daughter, although on several occasions they took advantage of our evening meal service too. The other guests in the property were a group of friends…

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Happy & Successful House Hunters

In amongst all the doom and gloom concerning the economic situation and the housing and property market in particular in Spain, there are still instances of things turning out happily for all concerned. Back in the summer, we were pleased to have Carmel and her family stay with us whilst they were on a house-hunting expedition here. They had done plenty of research in their quest to find a bargain property on the Costa Blanca, and had narrowed their search to one property that they felt really met their requirements. It might seem strange to come half-way round the world (they spend most of their time in Malaysia) on a property hunt here in Spain and then only look at one house, but they felt that this was the one – and so it has proved to be! Not for them the standard type of “villa with a pool” that is so often the target of the foreign property purchaser in Spain – they were looking for something different. There are plenty of homes of the more conventional type on the market – and they have seen lots of them in Malaysia too, of course – but they already had…

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House-Hunters Spoilt for Choice!

The property market in Spain may have suffered a spectacular decline in the recent past, and it is true that this plays an enormous part in the present woes of the Spanish economy. However, a housing market which is suffering from an excess of supply over demand can only mean good news for any buyers who happen to come along. We were pleased to welcome a couple from Belgium recently who were on a serious house-hunting expedition, had done their homework thoroughly before leaving home and who arrived at our door with a full diary of appointments with local estate agents. They were looking for a property that would be large enough to accommodate their visiting children and grandchildren, which had a swimming pool and fairly large gardens (so that there was always something to do!), was within about half an hour from the beach, but yet would be easy to leave unoccupied for the times when they would be back in their own home in Belgium This was to be a property for holidays and winter time – some of their time would still be spent in Belgium, as this was not a full move, but rather an additional…

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Bed and Breakfast Holidays in Rural Spain

Last Wednesday we were pleased to welcome some unexpected guests – again from Canada – who were touring around Spain with a possible long-term view to settling here. They called on us to see if they could stay here as they wanted to stay in bed and breakfast accommodation as opposed to conventional hotels wherever possible. They had in mind also that the bed and breakfast industry might suit them if they were to settle here, and were eager to hear our experiences. Brian and Lonnie come from Alberta and were travelling around Spain in the opposite direction from our last Canadian guests – they had started in Seville and were ultimately destined for Barcelona – whereas Neil and Debra had started in Barcelona and were heading south and round to Portugal. Both couples wanted to stay away from big cities for most of their time in Spain, and therefore felt that bed and breakfast accommodation would suit them better, as well as allowing them to get a better feel for what everyday life is like for people living here already. Brian and Lonnie spent three nights with us and during the day would explore the area and seek out…

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